7:15 AM to 2:15 PM Monday and Friday
7:15 AM to 3:15 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
(days that have late bus service)
Sue Prince
Library Media Center Mission:
The Stonington High School Library Media Center’s Mission is to support the educational goals and objectives of Stonington Public Schools. The Library Media Center is accessible to students and staff throughout the day and is an integral part of the educational process. Students and staff are welcome to use the resources in the Media Center to access information for their academic needs and to pursue their personal interests. As the information hub of Stonington High School, the Library provides students and staff with a comprehensive collection which includes a wide variety of resources in both print and electronic formats to support the curriculum and encourage recreational reading.
Library Media Center Policies:
Student access
During the school day study hall students have the option to come to the LMC. To do so, students must acquire a pass from the library before the start of their study hall period. Once the bell rings signaling the beginning of class no passes will be issued. In order to obtain a pass students must:
- Present their SHS agenda so their Hall Pass page can be stamped by LMC personnel.
- Report to their study hall to sign in for attendance
- Students will then sign their name on the LMC Attendance sheet.
Teachers and Staff
Teachers regularly reserve the computer lab and classroom for instructional purposes. Additionally, for ongoing projects, after the initial instruction with the Media Specialist, teachers will bring a class/classes back to the LMC to work independently or in small groups in the main room. Because of the size and design of the library, it not an unusual to have several classes and study hall students using the facility at the same time.
The Library Media Center Facility:
Main room:
Reference and Circulating Collections, 14 tables seating 54
Instructional area to kick off a variety of projects, six tables seating 40. This room is also a presentation space for students, staff, district, and community activities. There is an interactive projector with a wireless keyboard and mouse. This area is available for meetings with students, tutoring, etc.
Computer Lab:
Instructional area reserved by the LMS and classroom teachers. It seats 26 students. It is also used by study hall students when all the main room computers are being used.
Library Media Center Staff:
Sue Prince is a full time certified Library Media Specialist with a Master’s degree in Library Science, a 6th Year in Educational Leadership, and is UCONN trained to support ECE courses.
Rachel ODell and Catherine Ogilvie are part time paraprofessionals responsible for the day-to-day operation of the library.
The Library Media Center Collection
- 15,800 volumes (circulating and reference)
- 1 daily newspapers
- 500 curriculum supporting videos (VHS & DVDs)
- 93 audio books
- 52 reference E-books: Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, Sharpe Collection (10 multi volume sets containing curriculum relevant information on national and/or international topics), Cavendish Square Digital collection (22 multi volume sets over a range of subjects) and Salem Press Collection (10 individual titles and one multi volume set).
- 5 electronic database vendors: Connecticut State Library (40 individual databases), SIRS Knowledge Source (3 individual databases), NewsBank (4 individual databases), Facts on File (5 individual databases), and the Gale Digital Collections (5+ individual databases).